JSC Milavitsa was the first manufacturing company in the Republic of Belarus who made the certification of management system in 1996. This certification helped to improve process of quality control and production management. JSC Milavitsa permanently continues to improve management system according to macroeconomic and internal changes.
ISO 9000 certification was made in 2003 according to the requirements of International quality standards. As requirements changed in 2009, JSC Milavitsa made recertification according to ISO 9001 without any remarks.
Requirements of ISO certification made a positive influence to internal processes, interaction between subsidiaries, and put the company on a new track of development.
BS OHSAS 18001:2007 certification was made in 2006 - standard for occupational health and safety management systems. BS OHSAS 18001:2007 certification according to version of 2007, was made in 2009.
2009 was made certification according to ISO 14001 (version of 2005). e company on a new track of development.